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The 37 Best Websites to Learn Something New Forget overpriced schools, long days in a crowded classroom, and pitifully poor results. These websites and apps cover myriads of science, art, and technology topics. They will teach you practically anything, from making hummus to building apps in node.js, most of them for free. There is absolutely no excuse for you not to master a new skill, expand your knowledge, or eventually boost your career. You can learn interactively at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. It’s hard to imagine how much easier it can possibly be. I have a weird philosophy about reading computer books from cover to cover. While I’m reading a book, if something doesn’t seem to make sense or I don’t understand what author is trying to tell me, I jump right to the end of chapter and start from there. Inevitably, the missing piece makes its way back into the rest of the book and soon enough everything falls into place. It turns out there is a much easier way: The website Connexions has put together an amazing collection of over 400 textbooks and another 1,500 online courses on topics ranging from computer science and math to music and art history. The textbooks are rigorously peer-reviewed and updated as new editions are published. The courses range from free, bite-sized tutorials to intensive, multi-week courses that meet for four hours a week. And best of all, they’re available as streaming videos, as audio lectures, as PDFs, as web apps—whatever you’re interested in learning. It’s a great resource that I have been using since 2007 and have never looked back. Self-Paced Online Training: Building the Perfect Online MBA This is a free online course presented by Harvard Business School designed to help business owners build a bulletproof career from scratch. The course covers the following areas: (1) starting your business, (2) hiring, (3) managing your business, (4) marketing and sales, (5) working with other businesses. The course is for people who are willing to manage their own career and would like to learn how to be successful. The course includes videos that are between 5-10 minutes long which you can take at your own pace. The Great Courses Plus is an excellent way to get free high-quality educational content on topics ranging from photography instruction by National Geographic photographers and culinary arts presented by Jacques Pepin. These courses are offered by the Teaching Company, which has been teaching since 1990. The teaching method is Socratic, meaning that the lectures focus on asking questions and getting students to think critically about the material presented. The classes are taught by accomplished professors from a number of prestigious universities including Yale, Columbia, MIT and Oxford. The best part is that all of these courses are currently free to stream as long as you have a valid email address. Khan Academy offers a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. We provide a free learning platform that anyone can use to master nearly any topic. Our curriculum begins with kindergarten level material and extends into AP® College Prep level courses and beyond. cfa1e77820